works in progress…in the gloaming

Our workspace is a room Jeff built just off the side of our house. It is full of windows on every wall. In the late afternoon, the lowering sun seems to shine a spotlight on all of our works-in-progress, as if it’s checking for any misbehavior or out of line conduct before the night settles in. I am always drawn to this corner of this house, but especially so at this time of the day, and this time of the year, when the gloaming comes so quickly…

Scotland in the Gloaming is a blog “…showcasing the best photography of Scotland bathed in that colourful ambiance that comes at dusk: 'the gloaming'.” The photos are picked from the Scotland In The Gloaming photo pool on Flickr. They are brilliant, stunning and beautiful. Take a peek if you are in need of colorful inspiration.


  1. Loving your photos :) All that natural light does wonder for those pieces!

  2. I had never heard the term "gloaming" before, but it is so true that it is that perfect time of day when everything looks more beautiful.

    Thank you for the kind comment on my blog, and I hope my work continues to deliver.

    I enjoy your posts as well.
