Every now and then, Jeff will stay awake much later than myself and work on a completely new project. When I wake, I never know what I might find in my living room that wasn’t there the night before. One Sunday morning, it wasn’t ‘what’ but rather ‘who’. Perfectly displayed on my computer and posed to greet me were a charming, little family (dog and all) entirely made from paper tape. I love that he gave the mom a superhero cape.:)
I call them my little mojo family---that same day, an Etsy treasury that our canisters were in, was featured on Etsy’s front page and the canisters were purchased. …I believe that sometimes, slices of life slide right into perfectness, ever so simply and subtly. I never wonder why; I just expect it to.
Maybe Mr. Waters tried a little too hard winning over his love interest, but he had a perfect win with such an excellent song…
What a neat surprise! I can't believe he made that out of tape!!! Congrats on the FP and the sale :) You guys deserve it, and much much more.